
warhammer Skaventide

Opprinnelig pris var: kr 2 200,00.Nåværende pris er: kr 1 800,00.


Massive box with 74 minis from the armies of Skaven and Stormcast. Big value per item.

A total of 74 all-new miniatures, this includes…

● Stormcast Eternals:

○ Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker

○ Lord-Terminos and Memorian squire

○ Lord Veritant and Gryph Crow

○ Knight-Questor

○ 3 Reclusians with 2 Memorians

○ 10 Liberators

○ 3 Prosecutors

● Skaven:

○ Clawlord riding a Gnaw-beast

○ Grey Seer

○ Warplock Engineer

○ 40 Clanrats

○ 3 Rat Ogors

○ 3 Warplock Jezzails

○ Ratling Warpblaster

● 272-page hardback Warhammer Age of Sigmar Core Book

● 2024-25 General’s Handbook cards

● Double-sided Aqshy/Ghyran Spearhead board

● 4 pieces of terrain

● Snap-together 3” and 6” range rulers

● Battle Tactics and Twist Decks

● 144-page hardback Spearhead: Fire and Jade book